One of the key purposes of public speaking is to be noticed. For many this can be the scariest part – even though it is, of course, essential for both you and your career.

Because if you remain unnoticed and anonymous, how can people be aware of your presence and the services you offer?

Pave the Way for Others!

Imagine walking through snow – I know it might be hard to remember – it hasn’t snowed yet this Christmas! But when you are walking through snow, you can either tread your way through or follow along in the footsteps of someone who’s already walked before you.

Because it is harder to be the first walking through the snow – once you do, others will follow.

And with public speaking, you won’t be leaving just footsteps for someone, you’ll be shovelling heaps of snow out of the way!

Because when you can share your voice and influence others, they’ll want to hear more. And this doesn’t mean just with a traditional audience – you’d be surprised how much it can positively influence your career as well.

Confidence is Contagious

Public speaking is like a shot of adrenaline for your confidence. As you stand before a crowd, sharing your ideas, you’re not just conveying information; you’re radiating confidence, and you are saying – I am a leader.

And guess what? Confidence is contagious. Your audience, team, colleagues and boss pick up on your attitude and naturally want to hear more – which leads to better roles, better business, and well, you know the rest.

Break the Ice, Melt the Stereotypes

Women have been statistically shown to apply for ‘big’ roles less often than men – often due to a lack of confidence or feeling like they need 100% of the qualifications (whereas men would usually go for it with just 60% or less!).

By being able to stand up and speak out, you’re not only providing a showcase of your skills, and paving the way for others to find their voice you are also positioning yourself as someone who can handle the pressure of the big roles..

By stepping onto the stage, you become the master of your narrative, reshaping the perception of who you are and what you bring to the table.

So, there you have it – the not-so-secret weapon to catapulting your career: public speaking. It’s not just about delivering a speech; it’s about crafting a narrative that leaves a lasting imprint on the minds of your audience. Stand up, speak out, and watch your career soar to new heights – because in the world of professional success, those who speak up are the ones who truly stand out.

Have a very Happy Christmas and may 2024 be your best year ever (more about that next week!)

And if you’re ready to stand up and speak out, stay tuned for International Women’s Day 2024 – coming soon!

Cheryl xx

P. S  – If you liked this blog and want to read more blogs surrounding female empowerment, you can find last week’s here: ‘Unwrapping the Gift of Public Speaking

“I’m on a global mission to help 10 million disheartened souls, who are at a crossroads, to STOP asking why me? And START saying why not me!”


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