How would you rate your confidence? What would you give it out of 10?
Before you answer, let me ask you something else.
Would you be able to speak to an audience?
Maybe the thought alone makes you shudder. Or maybe you’re not sure. Or maybe you think you can!
You see, whatever your answer is, I can only imagine it’s affected by your confidence. If you’re less confident; you’ll be instantly backing away from the idea. If you’re more confident; perhaps you’ll be more willing to give it a go!
But believe me when I tell you that not only do you have the potential to be a public speaker, you have the potential to be a GREAT public speaker – no matter what you’re thinking right now.
And I can help you become one, and help you cross The Confidence Gap.
What is The Confidence Gap?
For a long time, women have always put others first – whether it’s their partners, their children, or their colleagues. They spend very little time for themselves, tend to keep their heads down, and that can take a toll on their confidence.
And you don’t just have to take my word for it!
Various statistics show that women apply for way less leadership roles than men, and usually receive less promotions than men as well.
Why? Because women underestimate themselves. Whether it’s tests, job applications – anything at all – women believe more often than not that they’re simply not good or qualified enough. Even though this is usually completely false!
But success requires both competence AND confidence.
That is what creates The Confidence Gap.
It doesn’t have to stay this way.
One way to build up confidence in both yourself, and other women is by performing a GREAT speech. Not only will it remove your self-doubt and boost your leadership skills, but you’ll also be inspiring other women around you!
As I mentioned before, anyone can be a great speaker – believe me, I’ve helped many to become one.
If you want to find your voice and start working towards closing The Confidence Gap, then join me, and many other inspirational women, at our Strictly Come Speaking event – an exclusive, women-only, LIVE event where you WILL be seen and heard.
Reserve Your FREE Seat At Strictly Come Speaking by clicking here.
Together, we can help close The Confidence Gap once and for all.
Cheryl xx
PS – The genetic blueprint really helps with understanding who you are and what you are here to do – fill in this 2-minute questionnaire and I will send you your own ‘genetic blueprint’ which will help you understand yourself so you can begin to find your why! You will find it here.
PPS – If the link doesn’t work for any reason (sometimes technology has a bad day) then email me on and I will sort it out for you!
PPS – If you liked this blog and want to read more blogs surrounding female empowerment, you can find last week’s here: ‘Are You Grateful?‘
“I’m on a global mission to help 10 million disheartened souls, who are at a crossroads, to STOP asking why me? And START saying why not me!”