Have you heard that expression – you’ve had too much of a good thing? At first sight it seems like a contradiction in terms doesn’t it?  I mean, if it’s ‘a good thing’, how can you have too much of it?

For me, at Christmas my ‘too much of a good thing’ tends to be watching game of thrones, Thor and the Worlds Strongest Man on TV, although this year my lovely client Kirk Miller treated me to live tickets to the Worlds Strongest Man.  Thank you Kirk!  But still, my TV fuelled GoT/Thor/WSM-athon, was not really good for my constitution.

And, here’s the thing.  Anything, in excess, is not good for you.  Even water!

It’s pretty hard to do, but if you have too much water you can die.  No seriously!  It’s called hyponatremia.  Apparently the average human can get rid of 28 litres of water a day – but only just over 1 per hour.  So drinking – for example 6 litres of fluid in 3 hours can cause ‘water intoxication’ which affect the electrolytes in the blood and can kill you!   So now you know.

I am sure you have observed this behaviour in others – you may have friends who live for the weekend, or the holidays, or for Friday night – and then they drink to excess, or eat to excess after being ‘good’ all week.

That particularly seems to happen at Christmas doesn’t it – hence all the New Years resolutions about losing weight and dry January.  But why do we do it?  Because if we hadn’t eaten or drunk to excess in December then we wouldn’t feel the need to go to the other extreme in January.  And do you know – excess isn’t good for you.  Balance is what it is all about.

I know – my Mum always used to say ‘everything in moderation’ and I used to think – ‘yeah right. That’s just an excuse to stop me having seconds!’ – but she was right.

You see the results of your life being out of balance can be a bit more serious than putting on a few extra pounds at Christmas, needing a bit of an alcohol detox or watching too much TV.

Let me introduce you to one of my clients, Dario.  Dario has, on a coupe of occasions in his life, suffered from Bells Palsy.  If you don’t know what that is – it can replicate the effects of a stroke on the facial muscles, because it actually affects the facial nerves.  It literally – gets on your nerves.

When we did our 2 Rapid Transformational Therapy Sessions, we discovered that before the Bell’s Palsy, Dario’s life was out of balance.  He was giving far too much – and it wasn’t fair – it wasn’t equal.  Once we had uncovered the root of the problem, we were able to set about putting it right.

RTT has helped thousands of people and I personally, have helped people change their stories to allow them to improve their confidence, overcome addictions, feel ‘good enough’, know that they are worthy, as well as overcoming addictions to …….sex, drugs and sausage rolls!

If you are interested in how that works – book in for an initial free consultation with me here, or if you are enquiring for someone else – drop me an email to cheryl@cherylchapman.com




Too Much Of A Good Thing


Have you heard that expression – you’ve had too much of a good thing? At first sight it seems like a contradiction in terms doesn’t it?  I mean, if it’s ‘a good thing’, how can you have too much of it?

For me, at Christmas my ‘too much of a good thing’ tends to be watching game of thrones, Thor and the Worlds Strongest Man on TV, although this year my lovely client Kirk Miller treated me to live tickets to the Worlds Strongest Man.  Thank you Kirk!  But still, my TV fuelled GoT/Thor/WSM-athon, was not really good for my constitution.

And, here’s the thing.  Anything, in excess, is not good for you.  Even water!

It’s pretty hard to do, but if you have too much water you can die.  No seriously!  It’s called hyponatremia.  Apparently the average human can get rid of 28 litres of water a day – but only just over 1 per hour.  So drinking – for example 6 litres of fluid in 3 hours can cause ‘water intoxication’ which affect the electrolytes in the blood and can kill you!   So now you know.

I am sure you have observed this behaviour in others – you may have friends who live for the weekend, or the holidays, or for Friday night – and then they drink to excess, or eat to excess after being ‘good’ all week.

That particularly seems to happen at Christmas doesn’t it – hence all the New Years resolutions about losing weight and dry January.  But why do we do it?  Because if we hadn’t eaten or drunk to excess in December then we wouldn’t feel the need to go to the other extreme in January.  And do you know – excess isn’t good for you.  Balance is what it is all about.

I know – my Mum always used to say ‘everything in moderation’ and I used to think – ‘yeah right. That’s just an excuse to stop me having seconds!’ – but she was right.

You see the results of your life being out of balance can be a bit more serious than putting on a few extra pounds at Christmas, needing a bit of an alcohol detox or watching too much TV.

Let me introduce you to one of my clients, Dario.  Dario has, on a coupe of occasions in his life, suffered from Bells Palsy.  If you don’t know what that is – it can replicate the effects of a stroke on the facial muscles, because it actually affects the facial nerves.  It literally – gets on your nerves.

When we did our 2 Rapid Transformational Therapy Sessions, we discovered that before the Bell’s Palsy, Dario’s life was out of balance.  He was giving far too much – and it wasn’t fair – it wasn’t equal.  Once we had uncovered the root of the problem, we were able to set about putting it right.

RTT has helped thousands of people and I personally, have helped people change their stories to allow them to improve their confidence, overcome addictions, feel ‘good enough’, know that they are worthy, as well as overcoming addictions to …….sex, drugs and sausage rolls!

If you are interested in how that works – book in for an initial free consultation with me here or if you are enquiring for someone else – drop me an email to cheryl@cherylchapman.com




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