Superhuman – or Human Trying To Be Super?

What did you want to be when you grew up?  A superhero perhaps – Spiderman, Superwoman, Batman or Batgirl? Perhaps you were pulled to a vocation – nursing, caring, veterinary science? Or did you want to be on stage or screen – an actor, singer or writer?

Amy Sinacola wanted to be a nurse and a horse rider.  Only one of those worked out!  She became a nurse, she achieved her dream, but she felt like she was living a lie.

You see Amy was trying to be the superhero in her own life.  And she was not the only one.  Her friends, family and patients thought she was an angel, a superhero, but that’s not how she felt.

Superheroes are not allowed to make mistakes, or be vulnerable, or be themselves.  And so those trying to be superhero’s do things like – criticise themselves for every tiny mistake, they don’t accept praise from others, and they hide their true feelings.  Often until it is too late.

I don’t know if any of this resonates with you but if it does, then you might want to watch Amy’s Live Love Laugh Live here.

In my interview with Amy, we talked about what Amy is doing now.  Amy left nursing when she discovered coaching.  Having learned how to be super without having to be a Superhero, Amy now helps others to do the same.

In our conversation, we learn how Amy now lives, what she is passionate about and what makes her laugh.  Watch our interview below.


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