Have You Got An Abundance Mindset?

As Christmas approaches it’s maybe a time for putting things in perspective. Last week, at the awards I attended where I was nominated for Best International Speaker (thank you for your votes), there was a lady called Tasha Chen. And Tasha won 6 of the Awards.  That’s...

Nothing Happens Without Communication

In recent weeks we have been talking about how things can trigger you, and why it is important to learn how to centre yourself when triggered before you open your mouth to ‘communicate’.  I believe communication is everything. Think about it, nothing happens without...

Who Exactly Are You?

Do you know who you are?  I don’t mean your name, hopefully you DO know that!  I tell you why I’m asking. A lot of people ask me how do they find their WHY.  There generally comes a point in everyone’s life, sooner or later, where you start to wonder what life is all...

Have You Set Your Intention Yet?

So, what do I mean by an intention?  Well it’s about putting out the energy of what you want. It’s a bit early for New Year’s Resolutions, so I’m not talking about that. The subject of Intention/Intentions came up last week when Marion and I were taking to a client. ...